
“刚刚,我们医院的主任医师给全体员工发送电子邮件,通知我们说,我们不得不开始自己制作口罩了。” 就读于肯特州立大学艺术与科学学院,机器人研究与计算机科学专业的博士Irvin Cardenas说,他从未从他在克利夫兰一家顶级医院工作的好友口中听到过如此糟糕的消息。 俄亥俄州每天都有新增的新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)病例,并且预计在接下来的几周中会出现激增的情况。个人防护设备(PPE)的严重短缺是成千上万的医疗人员和急救人员面临的巨大挑战。   学生开始采取行动 位于俄亥俄州东北部的志愿者以自己的行动来帮助缓解俄亥俄州口罩短缺的问题:在家中自制口罩。但这些手工制作的口罩可能无法为工作在第一线医护人员提供足够的保护。 基于这种情况,Cardenas以及其他几位肯特州立大学计算机科学学院,时尚学院和工商管理学院的同学决定立即采取行动。他们与朋友和同事在网络中取得联系,快速计算出需要用来购买设备的可能性支出,着手准备筹款项目。他们直接与国际医疗用品制造商联系,计划购买医用口罩及相关设备捐赠给当地的医生和护士。 3月25日,他们建立了GoFundMe页面,该页面已经在该网站上筹集了3,100多美元。于此同时,来自其他渠道的善款也已经直接提交给了Cardenas。他们第一个购买订单于3月31日到达,这是3,000张经过...

澳门六合彩资料 at Stark’s Corporate University is offering complimentary check-in surveys to area businesses to assess their employees’ needs during the coronavirus pandemic. “Just as we continue to provide academic services to our students during this unprecedented time, we are providing this service as a help to our local business community,” said Denise A. Seachrist, Ph.D., 澳门六合彩资料 Stark’s dean and chief administrative officer. “Our Corporate University is providing this check-in survey to assist business leaders in keeping the pulse of their employees, many of whom are working...

美国新型冠状病毒确诊人数的不断增加,留学生群体们心中的焦虑感也逐渐增加,美国的情况到底如何,这种时候应该留在美国还是回中国呢? 先别着急,让我们一起来看看来自人民日报及驻美大使馆提供的权威信息和基础建议:   美国真实疫情现状及形势如何? 情况不容乐观,努力遏制蔓延。 (一)发展待观察。截至4月3日11时,美国累计确诊感染新冠病毒的人数为257,321名,并有持续上升趋势。特朗普总统每日召开疫情发布会,表示未来30天对减缓新冠疫情蔓延至关重要,预计拐点最早在两周后到来,整体形势将于6月初转好。美专家称,虽然根据数据模型预测,新冠疫情在美可能最终会导致超过100万人感染,但完全有望通过有效举措控制感染人数。 (二)全国总动员。3 月 13 日美国进入紧急状态以来,各州也陆续宣布“居家令”。全国上下包括联邦和各州政府、各级卫生部门、私营公司、教育机构甚至军方都在积极调动资源,采取有效举措抗击疫情。当前大多数地区的检测和就医过程稳中有序,各州都在筹备更多医疗物资以备后用。纽约州是美国疫情的震中,确诊人数占全美41%,所需医疗资源紧缺。据悉将有 4 万多名医护人员志愿奔赴纽约参与救护,海军医院医疗舰已于3月30日抵达纽约港提供抗疫支援。包括中国在内的多个国家已向美提供医疗物资。 (三)医护水平高。美国政府及社会有较大的生...

?肯特州立大学社区的各位成员们, 9,279,这是我最近一直在思考的数字。9279,它定义了肯特州立和肯特人必会相互照顾的文化。如果这是测验节目,而其中一题的答案是9,279。那么该问题将是,“肯特州立大学在短短三个工作日内转移到远程学习平台的面对面课程有多少?”   想一想。学校历史以来从未发生过的事情。从未进行远程教学的教授在三个工作日内就开始上课并投入运营,而其他机构则花了整整两个星期或更长时间来完成教学。然而,切换到远程学习是否完美?虽然不是。每个人都满意吗?并非如此。所有学生都喜欢远程学习课程吗?或许不行。但是我们可以说的是:我们的学术事务负责人,教职负责人,教职员工以及IT和远程教育专家都竭尽全力,以便我们可以在世界上从未见过,百年一遇的疫情中继续我们的学期。这样,计划于五月毕业的学生可以毕业,各个级别的学生都有机会获得学位。而教授,专业人士,实际上我们所有人都在努力实现这一目标。 当然,还有更多工作要做。像其他州最近所做的那样,我们将寻求立法上的缓解,以减少本州对执照的临床要求,从而使我们即将毕业的护士和专职医疗专业的毕业生可以在最需要的时候开始工作。我们的艺术学院通过在很少远程授课的课程中使用社交媒体平台的方式来继续提高他们的教学水平。当我们听到学生无法访问互联网时,我们会忙于向他们提供远程热点,以保障教学工作继续进行。 对于奉献和有效工...

澳门六合彩资料 Stark staff with Flash at Smart Start Orientation

Unprecedented challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic necessitate a change in approach to 澳门六合彩资料’s admissions process to ensure student access and success. “We recognize that COVID-19 has disrupted the college enrollment process for our prospective students and K-12 educational partners,” said Sean Broghammer, Ph.D., associate vice president for enrollment management/admissions at 澳门六合彩资料. “Therefore, we have worked to simplify our admissions process beginning with the 2020 Fall Semester.” For fall 2020 applicants, 澳门六合彩资料 at Stark will: Waive ACT...

肯特州立大学心理学教授约翰·冈斯塔德(John Gunstad)博士已从美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)获得近260万美元的资助,用于将扩大他所领导的阿尔茨海默氏病研究至全国范围。 语言识别与阿尔茨海默症 冈斯塔德教授正在研究如何将老年人的语音特征变化用作阿尔茨海默氏症的早期检测的方法。阿尔茨海默氏症是进行性神经系统疾病,是老年痴呆症的主要原因。在出现症状之前,阿尔茨海默氏症会引起大脑变化。 从去年开始,此项研究就获得了由肯特州立大学的大脑健康研究所与克利夫兰大脑健康研究所的合作提供的40,000美元的赠款,以用于60人的初步研究。 冈斯塔德教授进行研究的想法源于IBM现有的工作,它使用新技术研究精神病或精神分裂症患者的言语模式变化,以确定谁在未来住院的风险最高。 冈斯塔德教授与IBM研究人员联系,以查看他是否可以使用公司的技术来收集和检查老年人的语音,从而根据他们的语音模式变化来确定谁最容易患痴呆症。这促进与IBM研究员Rachel Ostrand博士进行了初步研究,冈斯塔德教授表示,他对扩大该技术的使用充满热情。 “这样的语言变化包括患者在找不到合适的单词时遇到想出单词的麻烦或用模糊的术语或代词代替”,例如,冈斯塔德教授说,“患者可能开始将诸如椅子之类的物品称为‘事物’,而不是使用确切的名词。” 该技...

Flashes take care of Flashes painted rock

澳门六合彩资料 announced the creation of the Pay It Flash Forward Emergency Fund that will help students who are unexpectedly finding themselves in financial need as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our students need us now more than ever,” said 澳门六合彩资料 President Todd Diacon. “I am confident that our Golden Flash family will answer that call, because despite the uncertainty we are all facing at this time, there is one thing that remains constant: Flashes take care of Flashes.” More than $15,800 was raised within 24 hours of the fund’s launch via the president’s March 26 emai...

Several telecommunications companies are offering free internet access to students and area families. MCTV, a leading internet, TV and phone provider in the region, announced Tuesday it would offer free internet access for families without service in response to online learning concerns related to COVID-19. MCTV is offering free internet access to households with K-12 or college students who do not already have an MCTV broadband subscription. The offer is available now through April 30. Find additional information here or call 330-833-4134. Comcast and Spectrum are also offering free ...

Theatre's The Nerd

澳门六合彩资料 at Stark Theatre will hold its second theatrical production of the 2019-20 season, “The Nerd”, a two-act comedy by playwright Larry Shue. The cast of “The Nerd” will take to the campus’ stage for opening night at 7:30 p.m. March 6 in The Mary J. Timken Theatre, which is located in the expanded and renovated Fine Arts Building, 6000 Frank Ave. NW. Directed by 澳门六合彩资料 Stark Theatre Director Jim Weaver, “The Nerd” is set in Terre Haute, Indiana, in late 1979. The play centers around the hilarious dilemma of a young architect, Willum Cubbert, who is visited by R...

澳门六合彩资料 has been awarded Tree Campus USA recognition for the 12th consecutive year.

The trees on 澳门六合彩资料’s campus bring something new to marvel at each season. In the summer, trees provide welcoming shade for students to lounge, fall brings vivid leaves that crunch under students’ feet on the way to classes, and winter pines provide an idyllic picture of fluffy snow. With nearly 4,000 trees on campus, 澳门六合彩资料 has been awarded the Tree Campus USA recognition for the 12th consecutive year from the Arbor Day Foundation, a nonprofit conservation organization. According to the foundation, the honor is designed to recognize colleges for “promoting healthy trees...

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