
Fall semester tuition is due on Friday, Aug. 7.

While a college education is an investment in your future, we all understand it requires some financial juggling. If you need assistance with your tuition, please don’t hesitate to contact our Financial Aid experts. We’re here to help!   Fall semester tuition payments were due Friday, Aug. 7. We have several ways you can pay: Use our convenient online pay option. All credit card payments must be made online. Checks can be processed online at no additional cost. The cashiering booth in Student Services at 132 Main Hall will be open the following dates and hours:   ...

澳门六合彩资料 Stark graduate, RedHawk entrepreneur Blake Gibbs manufactures PPEs during pandemic

Just a Kid from Hartville The hot sun beat on the pavement as customers, wheelers and dealers scurried around the crowded Hartville Flea Market. A small group of curious shoppers gathered around the “ZingAnything” booth, manned by several Lake High School students.  Blake Gibbs knew then he was on to something. While outsiders may have seen “just a kid from Hartville” with a newfangled gadget, this 15-year-old budding entrepreneur had an eye for new products.  And, in 2012, fruit-infused water was just beginning to trend. The ZingAnything water bottle, designed by Gibbs and ...

亲爱的国际学生们, 如你所知,针对学生和交流学者项目(SEVP)新出台的指导政策及其对国际留学生群体所产生的潜在影响,肯特州立大学已经在积极采取行动。我们强烈建议你在7月15日前与你的课程指导老师或是学院的项目协调老师沟通,让他们协助你选择秋季适合你的面授课程。 我们肯特大家庭很看重我们的国际学生并希望你们可以取得成功。我们在此保证,会竭尽全力让你们获得高质量的教育资源,并在2020秋季学期来临之际为你提供一切你需要的、能维持你F-1学生身份的资源。 你可以通过登陆你的Flashline账户,或按照以下网站www.kent.edu/flashline/news/how-can-i-find-out-who-my-advisor的指导,来与你的课程指导老师或学院项目协调老师取得联系。 了解更多实时信息以及留学生相关政策,请登陆网站www.kent.edu/isss 了解更多对于最新SEVP的指导信息,请登陆网站www.ice.gov/news/releases/sevp-modifies-temporary-exemptions-nonimmigrant-students-taking-online-courses-during   祝好, 梅洛迪·坦科斯里博士 代理高级副校长及教务长   马尔切洛...

2020秋季入学政策更新及常见问题解答   2020年7月7日 亲爱的国际学生们, 受COVID-19疫情影响,(美国)学生和访问学者项目(SEVP)近期发布修改了针对2020秋季持F-1签证学生上网课的临时豁免政策。我们关注到了这件事,也希望你们知道我们正在研究这份指南,以找到实施这份指南的最佳方案并更好地支持国际学生。 我们知道这些信息会对你们造成困惑,让你们有些不知所措。我们在此向你们保证,肯特州立大学会竭尽所能来帮助国际学生,用尽一切办法去维护国际学生今年秋季学期的留学生身份以便你们可以继续学习。我们已经成立了一个专门的工作小组来研究这件事,不久之后就会出台具体的指导方案。 对于肯特州立大家庭来说,你们是不可或缺的一份子。我们会尽全力找到一个适当的解决方案。   祝好, 梅洛迪·坦科斯里博士 代理高级副校长及教务长   马尔切洛·梵东尼博士 环球副教务长     ...

A message from the Dean

Dear students,   In what seems like a world of uncertainty right now, there are still some things that you can count on. One of those is the assurance that Your Hometown University will provide safe options for you this fall so that you can continue on the path toward earning your college degree. I want you to know that every decision we make is driven by our commitment to the health, safety and well-being of students, faculty and staff.   Earlier this week, you received an email from the University Registrar concerning changes to the Fall 2020 schedule. As is the case on the Ken...

Due to several significant factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is with a heavy heart that the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce announces the cancellation of the 2020 Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival Balloon Classic scheduled for July 31-Aug. 2 and the Up, Up & Away 5K scheduled for Aug. 1. The decision follows discussions with university leadership, as well as health and safety officials, regarding the feasibility of holding these two large community events in the current climate. After exploring multiple options, all were in agreement it is not possible to mi...

注: 以下文章是由研究与赞助计划部研究战略计划主任Michael Kavulic博士撰写。 我想知道我是否有很好地回答我仅仅5岁女儿的问题,她在学校认识的最好朋友,一个黑人女孩是否有可能随时被杀害? 我想知道我是否应该参加从杂货店回家的路上开车经过的和平示威活动? 我想知道,当我参加的一个组织提出我认为缺乏“支持”反种族主义运动的回应时,我是否应该大声说出来? 我想知道为什么在招聘和晋升过程中忽视了有才华的有色人种的同事,或者忽略了他们的专业发展需求而迫使某些人离开公司或继续为获得认可而苦苦挣扎,为什么我没有引起更多的关注? 我想知道我为女儿下一步的教育选择是否正在使压迫和种族主义制度永久存在? 我想知道,为什么每一次当我的权力和特权身份对我产生帮助时,我选择了忽视。尽管这些观点没有标新立异,但至少在当前问题中脱颖而出。 我想知道,在这种令人不安的局势中我应该如何应对? 自乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被杀以来,我想了很多,但这些思考并不够。直到现在,我还没有看过任何他被谋杀的视频。(我想知道为什么我如此地排斥这件事情,而这种逃避策略是否仅仅发生在我一个人身上?) 我相信我的疑惑是由我自身缺乏舒适感引起的,我不知道什么行为对我来说是下一步正确或最好的选择。诚然,我为自己能做...

你是否体验过在炎热的夏天被车里的真皮座椅烫到?或是抓到好管闲事的邻居透过厨房窗户窥视你家?有了新型的双模型液晶智能玻璃材料,这些事情都会成为过去式。 Yingfei Jiang是肯特州立大学文理学院、先进材料与液晶研究所(AMLCI)、化学物理专业的研究生,他和他的导师,物理系的教授Deng-Ke Yang博士一起,发明了有史以来第一种双模型智能玻璃技术。这项技术是通过有色材料,同时起到控制辐射能量流(热量)和保护隐私的作用。现阶段,他们也在为这项新技术申请专利。据Jiang描述,液晶是一种很独特的物质状态,它同时拥有液体和固体的某些状态,是一种中间体。它会像液体一样流动,但又像固体一样拥有可以被排列组合的光学性质。换句话说,你可以控制分子的排列,以此来控制光的穿透路径。 根据国际智能玻璃(Smart Glass International)介绍,智能玻璃技术是一种源自于电致变色玻璃、常用于窗户的材料,它可以阻止来自太阳照射的酷热,或者可以让有色玻璃变得不透明以保护隐私。这两者中的任意一个,都可以是智能玻璃被用于建筑物、住宅和汽车上的原因。而双模型智能玻璃的与众不同之处就是可以同时兼顾这两种优势。Jiang和Yang创造了一种液晶材料,可以同时兼顾控制辐射能量流并且保护隐私。 双模型智能玻璃 这种窗户由两块透明玻璃中间夹带液晶层组成,以此形成智能玻璃。双模型可切换...

Leah Springer

Marlington Dukes’ star forward Leah Springer knows what it means to give back to her hometown. And, for this basketball standout, “giving back” is more than just a few words, it’s a way of life. That’s why this stellar scholar athlete, who has volunteered since childhood, was named the winner of 澳门六合彩资料 at Stark’s Hometown Flash Award at the virtual 2020 Best of Stark Preps. When asked about Springer’s accomplishments, Mike Stadulis, head coach of Marlington High School’s girls basketball team, pointed out the list is seemingly endless – ranging from varsity letters in basketba...

Spring 2020 President's & Dean's List

澳门六合彩资料 at Stark has announced its Dean’s List and President’s List for the spring 2020 semester.  Requirements for the Dean’s List include a 3.40 grade point average or above for the spring 2020 semester and at least 12 letter-graded (A, B, etc.) credit hours completed by the end of the semester. President’s List criteria are a 4.00 grade point and at least 15 letter-graded credit hours completed by the end of the semester. A part-time Dean's List follows the President's and Dean's List.   SPRING 2020 PRESIDENT'S* & DEAN'S LIST The following student...

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