CommUNITY Lab is an undergraduate cohort program housed in Community Engaged Learning that offers members a network of coordinated care resources at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ while removing financial, academic and social-emotional barriers to success.


  • Tafari Gabremedhin

    Tafari Gabremedhin

    CommUNITY Lab’s meaning to me lies within the name itself, it's a community. A community of people that go above and beyond, and even put themselves on the line for students to reach goals that we hold dear. There have also been bonds with other students that I have developed because of community lab. I personally appreciate the support on all levels academically and personally from Todd and Amanda.

  • Arlissa McCullough

    Arlissa McCullough

    For me personally having CommUNITY Lab has helped me so much with moving to college and being a way from family. When I have a problem or an issue, I can always count on CommUNITY Lab to help me even if that is just someone to talk to or to get advice or them giving us resources and people that can help us with something on campus. My point is that CommUNITY Lab is more than people to help me when I’m struggling, it's my family and friends that I can count on just like they can count on me.

  • Dianshe Robinson

    Dianshe Robinson

    Community Lab has had a huge impact on my time here at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ, it has allowed me to make good friends and lifelong connections. This is a community that always has your back and your best interest at heart. If it wasn't for Community Lab believing in me and my ability to succeed, I probably would be 10 steps behind in reaching and achieving my goals of becoming a physical therapist, but instead it has put me 10 steps ahead. 


Participants reside in a living-learning community located in Lake Hall where they learn through specially selected courses, plug into campus resources, and co-create individualized achievement plans with their support networks.

Additionally, CommUNITY Lab provides peer mentorship and signature hands-on learning and development opportunities including service, mentorship, student employment, and immersive travel experiences. CommUNITY Lab students put their passions to purpose by developing effective community problem-solving skills and practicing service to both self and others.

Learn about Our Values

Questions about CommUNITY Lab can be directed to community@kent.edu


Currently serving students from the following college access programs:


  • The LeBron James Family Foundation Logo
  • DC-CAP College Access Program Logo
  • TRIO Updward Bound Logo
  • First Star Logo


  • Say Yes! Cleveland Logo