

The following list includes style conventions used when writing about ϲ and not covered in The Associated Press Stylebook.

MAC — see Mid-American Conference.

MAC Center — see Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center.

MACC Annex — use this form.

mail — contact Mail Services for information regarding folding and tabbing brochures and fliers, mailing classifications, labeling, insertions, and the proper use of zip codes, barcodes and indicias; see also address. Open and refer to the Brand Style Guide found on the Guide to Visual Standards page at http://www.kent.edu/brand for the proper way to incorporate the logo and format return address copy.

Email: mailservice@kent.edu
Web:  www.kent.edu/mailservices

Phone: 330-672-2164
Fax: 330-672-2056
Location: 101 Administrative Services Building

major — see under names of.

May 4, 1970 — use the phrasing “the events surrounding May 4, 1970,” when mentioning the date in copy for university communications. Do not use May 4th. Use the phrasing “the events surrounding May 4, 1970,” when mentioning the date in copy for university communications. The approved May 4, 1970, statement follows.

MAY 4, 1970

ϲ was placed in an international spotlight after a tragic end to a student demonstration against the Vietnam War and the National Guard on May 4, 1970. Shortly after noon on that Monday, 13 seconds of rifle fire by a contingent of 28 Ohio National Guardsmen left four students dead, one permanently paralyzed, and eight others wounded. Not every student was a demonstration participant or an observer. Some students were walking to and from classes. The closest wounded student was 30 yards away from the Guard, while the farthest was nearly 250 yards away.

The divisive effect of the Vietnam War on American society was especially evident on campuses throughout the country. At ϲ, the day after the announcement to send U.S. troops into Cambodia marked the start of a weekend of antiwar protests that began on campus and spilled into the city of Kent’s downtown. Broken windows and other damage to a number of downtown businesses prompted fear, rumors and eventually a call by the city’s mayor to the governor for assistance.

The National Guard arrived Saturday night. That day some students assisted with the downtown cleanup. That night the campus headquarters of the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) was burned. Sunday morning the governor came to Kent and in the city’s firehouse held a press conference saying the university would remain open. After a Sunday of relative calm, an antiwar rally at noon on Monday brought 2,000 to 3,000 people to the University Commons area. When the Guard gave the order to disperse, some in the crowd responded with verbal epithets and stones. The Guard answered first with tear gas, but when spring winds altered its effect, the Guard attempted to enforce the Ohio Riot Act with raised bayonets, forcing demonstrators to retreat. The Guard then changed line formation. As the Guard approached the crest of Blanket Hill, some guardsmen turned toward the Taylor Hall parking lot, and between 61 and 67 shots were fired. Four students were killed and nine wounded. That afternoon University President Robert I. White ordered the university closed.

History, sorrow and healing remain a part of ϲ. University Library has a dedicated Memorial Room, containing books, papers, studies and other materials relating to the events. In addition, the university has established an academic program designed to help students and others employ peaceful conflict resolution to resolve disputes. On May 4, 1990, the university community dedicated a permanent memorial. Each year, an annual vigil, candlelight service and commemoration enable the university, the Kent community and others to privately and publicly express their feelings. In 1999 as a result of requests from the May 4 Task Force, the university authorized the installation of markers locating the sites in the Prentice Hall parking lot where the four students were killed on May 4, 1970.

The university will continue to remember the four students who died — Allison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer and William Schroeder — through scholarships in their names and in the words inscribed on the May 4 Memorial: “Inquire, Learn, Reflect.”

Reviewed and revised (1996) by: Executive Director, University Communications; Reviewed and revised (1995) by: Provost, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, May 4 Planning Committee; 

May 4, 1970, Markers — use this form.

May 4, 1970, Site and Memorial — use this form. The May 4 site officially received the National Historic Landmark designation on Dec. 23, 2016. Use that date for official purposes when writing about it.

May 4 Visitors Center — use this form.

Mbárí Mbáyò Theatres I and II — note diacritical marks.  

McGilvrey — ϲ’s first president, John E. McGilvrey; and McGilvrey Hall, named in his honor.

Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center — use Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center on first reference; the center or MAC Center for subsequent references; not MACC.

Mid-American Conference — use Mid-American Conference for first reference; MAC for subsequent references.

minor — see under names of.

Mission Statement — We transform lives and communities through the power of discovery, learning and creative expression in an inclusive environment.

Moovers and Groovers – use this form. The event requires a singular verb; the participants are called Moovers and Groovers and require a plural verb. 

Murphy-Mellis Field — use this form for the name of the field hockey facility.