
Frequently Asked Questions

What IS an Ombuds?

Ombuds (or Ombudsperson) is a word, borrowed from Scandinavia, which originally meant “representative,” and identified an individual appointed to investigate complaints by individuals against government officials and agencies.

The Student Ombuds at ϲ assists students, parents, faculty and staff in navigating the policies and procedures of the university, usually in response to a concern or complaint, and assists in exploring options for possible resolution.

What is the Student Ombuds ABLE do for me?

  • Offer a safe, confidential, and neutral setting to discuss concerns, or complaints.
  • Listen intently and empathically and ask clarifying questions.
  • Consult with visitors, helping to identify, develop, analyze and evaluate options available to them.
  • Make appropriate referrals when applicable.
  • Explain university policies/processes.
  • Assist in navigating bureaucratic obstacles and “red tape.”

What is the Student Ombuds UNABLE do for me?

  • Conduct investigations.
  • Determine the outcome of a complaint or require academic or administrative units to reach a certain decision for a student.
  • Give legal advice or provide mental health counseling.
  • Serve as the official record-holder for formal complaints.
  • Serve as an advocate for any one individual or office.

Who can use the Student Ombuds Office’s services?

Any member of the university who has a student-related concern may seek the assistance of the office. Parents, family members, and alumni are also invited to contact the office for assistance. Faculty or staff who have university-related concerns not involving students should contact their academic department, Human Resources, or other applicable offices, e.g. Title IX, EOAA.