
Global CTE

This video highlights what it means to be a “global citizen” and why we all should strive to be one!

“What makes a Global Citizen?”, . Published on Aug 2, 2012



Succeeding Globally through International Education and Engagement (PDF): U.S. Department of Education International Strategy 2012-16

Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World (PDF): Veronica Boix Mansilla & Anthony Jackson, ASIA Society

:  This page provides a playlist of videos and other resources to help educators foster students’ global competence.  

:  The Global Campaign for Education, U.S. (GCE-US) is a broad-based coalition of U.S. organizations including non-profit organizations, teachers’ unions, etc. that are dedicated to ensuring universal access to a quality education and promoting education as a basic human right. This website includes a series of units for educators called “Lesson For All: Enhancing Global Competences” that are aimed at teaching global competencies in the classroom.

Global Education Collaborative:  This website serves as a community for teachers and students who are interested in global education. It serves as a platform for engagement in conversations, sharing media, and collaboration.

 This website is an interactive map that uses economic, educational and demographic data in order to visually illustrate to students how globally connected the U.S. is to the rest of the world.

 This website is managed by the National Peace Corps Association and features resources aimed at bringing a global perspective into classrooms, as well as opportunities for networking and support.

 This page includes global competence unit plans that can serve as useful examples for educators hoping to teach global skills in the classroom.

 This website is the product of ongoing collaboration of Ohio State University's Social Studies and Global Education program with OSU's African Studies Center, East Asian Studies Center, the Center for Latin American Studies, the Middle East Studies Center, and the Slavic and Eastern European Studies Center and Indiana University's Center for the Study of Global Change. Each of these centers has approved all of the resources offered on their website for use by K-12 teachers.

 This page features lessons and information developed by the John Stanford International School aimed at teaching students how to take action to help others globally.

TeachUNICEF:  This website helps teachers to engage students as active global citizens by learning about UNICEF—the United Nations Children’s Fund—and its efforts to help children worldwide. It features educational materials that have been created in order to help educators to bring a global understanding of the needs of children around the world to their students.

 This website serves as a resource for teachers who want to bring a global perspective to their history classrooms. It was created and is maintained by Craig Perrier, a global educator and the High School Social Studies Specialist for Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia.

 This is a website that provides educators with resources and information aimed at ensuring that global competence is integrated into as many middle and high school classrooms as possible.