Profiles and Department Directory Listings

There are two content types, Profile and Department Directory Listing. Both must be created for a profile to appear on a staff/faculty/employee listing page.

  1. Profile - A Profile contains the basic information about an employee. Only one is allowed per person.
  2. Department Directory Listing - A Department Directory Listing contains department specific information. A person can have multiple Department Directory Listings. One is needed for each department in which they are to be listed.

Step 1 - Create a Profile

Create a Profile by going to Group Actions>Create Content>Profile. Complete the form to create a new profile. Only one Profile per person should be created. It must be created first, because the Department Directory Listing requires it for a connection.

  • Employee Name* - Enter the person's full name. This field connects a person's Profile with their Department Directory Listing(s).
  • Photo - ​Select the browse button to upload a headshot. The dimensions required are 500 x 750 pixels; files must be less than 1MB; allowed file types include png, gif, jpg, and jpeg. You can find many headshots in the .
  • First Name*
  • Last Name*
  • Work Email*
  • Work Phone - List phone numbers using university style, i.e. 330-672-1234.
  • Personal Email - This field is currently not being displayed on the website.
  • Personal Website - Complete the title and URL fields to add your personal website to your listing(s).
  • Personal Phone - This field is currently not being displayed on the website. Please list phone numbers using university style, i.e. 330-672-1234.
  • Education - If needed, multiple entries are available.
  • Body - Enter biography information.
    • Selecting the Edit summary link (next to the Body title) will reveal the Summary field. This field is only displayed in certain web pages.
  • Campus Location - Select the correct option.
  • Job Title - Begin to enter the department, you will see keyword related options listed. Select the correct one or enter a new one.
  • Job Department - This field is not displayed in a profile or directory listing. It can be ignored.
  • Employee Type - Select the correct option.
    • Faculty or Staff Researcher must be selected in order to be displayed in the Researcher Database.
  • Office Room Number - Enter the physical office number of your location. Please include the word room before the number, for example, Room 123.
  • Office Location - Begin to enter your building name, you will see keyword related options listed. Select the correct one.
  • Office Hours - Enter your office hours. Mark your calendar to update each semester.
  • Work Fax - List fax numbers using university style, i.e. 330-672-1234.
  • Publications - Publications should be recent publications only. Multiple entries are available. If you do not have time to add publications already posted in other mainstream websites such as , , or you can add a link to them in your bio/body copy.
  • Research Methods - This field is used by the College of Education, Health and Human Services.
  • Affiliations - Enter affiliations as a comma separated list.
  • Awards Achievements - Multiple entries are available.
  • Documents - Where you can upload a CV.​ File types accepted include txt, pdf, doc or docx.
  • News Stories (Experts Database) - University Communications and Marketing adds published news articles to your profile.
  • Expertise - Enter expertise as a comma separated list.
  • Research Keywords - Enter research keywords for the "Find a Researcher" database. This database is used by the media to find experts on specific topics in order to interview them or get information about a topic. Multiple entries are available by adding a comma (no spaces between keywords) and entering another keyword.
  • Student Research Position - Select the Add new node button to post a student research position.
  • Groups audience - The profile will be added to the group you are logged into. One person can be affiliated with multiple groups but only one Profile needs created.

Be sure to remove your user name from the author field located in the Authoring information section (tabbed setting area at the bottom of the page), otherwise you will not be able to create more than one profile.

Select the Save button to save the profile.

Step 2 - Create a Department Directory Listing

Department Directory Listings provide additional information about a person specific to their role in a department. A person must have a Department Directory Listing for every department listing they wish to be included in. Note: The user's Profile must be created first.

Go to Group Actions > Create Content and click "Department Directory Listing." Fill out the relevant fields

  • Group Audience - The group is pre-selected and should not be changed.
  • Employee Name (for display) - Enter the person's full name.
  • Profile Reference* - Type the correct name for the employee. If it does not appear, a Profile must be created first (see step 1).
    • (If more than one profile appears, please requesting they be merged.)
  • Update the following information only if it differs from the profile
    • Campus Location
    • Job Title
    • Job Department
    • Employee Type
    • Office Number
    • Office Location
    • Office Hours
    • Work Fax
  • Sorting
    • Weight - Keep at zero for alphabetical sorting.
    • Profile Sorting Term - Enter a term to be used by multiple employees if you want a directory with subdirectories.

Editing Profiles and Department Directory Listings

If a person wants to edit their own profile, they must first confirm they have logged into their Drupal Dashboard using their FlashLine user name and password. Both their Profile and their Department Directory Listing(s) will need the author field updated. Once added, they will be able to edit their profile content from their dashboard.

Create a Listing Page

  1. Once the Department Directory Listings are created you will create a new basic page and edit it as follows:
    1. Title - The title of the directory.
    2. Body - Add a description if desired.
    3. Menu Link - (in the right column) Add the page to your navigation by selecting the Provide a menu link checkbox and selecting the parent page of the directory. Typically it is in a websites main navigation. If so, select your website title.
    4. Select the Save button to save the basic page.
  2. Next, you will add a view to the page by following the steps below:
    1. Click Open Utilities -> Layout in the bottom left of the page (or the Layout tab in the Edit menu).
    2. Click + Add Block in the main content section block.
    3. Search/find and click on the "Profiles: Group Extended Profiles" block (this option will create a feed to show all profiles from your group).
    4. (Optional) In the Items per Block field, enter the maximum number of profiles that you want to appear on a page (additional pages of staff/employees will be created if needed).
    5. (Optional) Select the fields you want to display on your feed.
    6. Enter the node ID of your group’s home page in the Content: Groups audience field.
    7. Select the Add block button to add the block to the page layout
    8. Select the Save layout button near the top of the page to save the entire page.

Please note, you may not see the feed until after you save and refresh the page.

Display Separate Directories by Keyword

If you want separate directories based on a keyword, each person to display in that directory must have an exact matching Profile Sorting Term added to their Department Directory Listing first.

  1. Click Open Utilities -> Layout in the bottom left of the page (or the Layout tab in the Edit menu).
  2. Click + Add Block in the main content section block.
  3. Search/find and click on the "View: Profiles: Department Filter" block (this option will create a feed to show all profiles from your group).
  4. To add a title above the directory, select the Override title checkbox and enter the title in the text field.
  5. Enter the node ID of your group’s home page in the Content: Groups audience field.
  6. Enter the Profile Sorting Term added to the group's Department Directory Listing.
  7. (Optional) Select the fields you want to display on your feed.
  8. (Optional) Enter the maximum number of profiles that you want to appear on a page (additional pages will be created if needed).
  9. Select the Add block button to add the block to the page layout
  10. Select the Save layout button near the top of the page to save the entire page.

Repeat these steps for every subdirectory you want to be displayed.

Please note, you may not see the feed until after you save and refresh the page.

Display Separate Directories by Employee Type

When viewing the profile page, users are able to search by employee type. If you want to separate them, links can be added to your menu to show only one Employee Type. For example, if your department has Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students and Deans, your menu could be setup to list each of them separately.

Please submit a support ticket if you would like your profiles setup like this for your group. Be sure to include all the employee types that should be listed.

Don't forget to save your work!

*Required field