Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion is critical to our mission to be creative leaders and transform lives through the arts. 

The College of the Arts respects and encourages all voices to be heard and supports all faculty, staff and community members to participate, collaborate and work with us fully and authentically. We believe that diversity is critically important because we grow and become inspired by the influence of each others' varied perspectives. The College of the Arts is an advocate for students of color, LGBTQ+ students, first-generation students, students with differing abilities, students from all economic backgrounds, international students, as well as students of all ethnicities, religions, and cultures.  It is our goal to provide a welcoming space where every student can perform at their maximum capacity, become global change-makers, and transform the lives of others through their work.

College of the Arts DEI Strategic Plan Goal Year #1 (2022-2023): Invest in DEI strength and capability

Action Steps

1. Increase in delivering diverse, equitable, and inclusive programming/education and curriculum.

2. Create and promote initiatives for improving College of the Arts experience for students.

3. Develop processes that facilitate and recognize measurable DEIA related contributions in faculty and staff evaluations.

BIPOC Safespace for Students, Faculty, and Staff

College of the Arts Safespace hosts meetings for BIPOC students, faculty and staff.

The BIPOC Safespace is a place where real conversations are had.  It is a place where BIPOC people can come to discuss and find reprieve from today's societal challenges.

All BIPOC students, faculty, and staff from throughout the university are welcome to attend and these are promoted via our events.

College of the Arts Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism Council

To further its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, the College of the Arts is establishing a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism Council. This group will include student, faculty, and staff representatives from all areas of the College of the Arts and will be guided by the following definition of Anti-Racism:

"Anti-racism is the active process of identifying and eliminating racism by changing systems, organizational structures, policies and practices and attitudes, so that power is redistributed and shared equitably."
– NAC International Perspectives: Women and Global Solidarity

The Anti-Racism Council is currently chaired by Associate Dean Marie Bukowski and is made up of representatives from each of the four Schools and the University Museum.

Anti-Racism Council Goals

  1. To be a pipeline for taskforces/committees in the schools - this will assist in adequate communication and to ensure that as a college we are moving in the same direction.
  2. To be a pipeline for the university level taskforce and DEI Division to ensure our college is in line with the goals of the university. (Please note: the University Taskforce Team will be selected by Dr. Gooden, Interim VP for DEI and her staff; therefore, the CotA ART will not have much control here).
  3. Uphold the diversity focused mission of the college: "The College of the Arts is a community that supports and encourages creativity; in that, we welcome all students to express themselves fully. We believe that diversity is critically important because we grow and become inspired by the influence of each other's varied perspectives. The College of the Arts is an advocate for students of color, LGBTQ+ students, first-generation students, students with differing abilities, students from all economic backgrounds, international students, as well as students of all ethnicities, religions, and cultures. It is our goal to provide a welcoming space where every student can perform at their maximum capacity, become global change-makers, and transform the lives of others through their work." Which includes the responsibility of:
    1. Partnering with the CCC in the development of diverse curriculum.
    2. The recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, staff, and students in partnership with Dr. LeAnn Starlin, Assistant Dean.
    3. Working toward diversifying the CotA Advisory Board and donor pool.
    4. Assisting with the Schroth Series diversity initiative and other diversity artist lecturers and hall of fame.
    5. Advising for the CotA BIPOC Safespace
    6. Working with Directors and unit taskforces to get their units trained in diversity education.