Undergraduate Sustainability Courses

ARCH 30501 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY I  Basic principles of ecological design and architecture environmental systems including lighting,sonic and thermal systems.
ARCH 40001  Sustainable Design Research component addressing precedents, traditions, current directions in conservation of natural environment. Principles and methods of ecological design in architecture and urban design.
ARCH 40002 Systems Design Lecture and research component addressing comprehensive integration of mechanical, electrical communications structural life safety systems and sustainable design concerns.
ARCH 40101 Fourth Year Design Studio I Studio investigation of complex formal and spatial constructs addressing the comprehensive concerns of architecture. Special emphasis on understanding the conservation of the natural environment.
ARCH 40102  Fourth Year Studio Studio II Studio investigation of the comprehensive concerns and understanding of building systems integration.
ARCH 40502 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY II Ecological design of large buildings. The investigation and analysis of lighting, thermal, water, electrical and waste systems in urban settings.
ARCH 46995 Human Consideration in Sustainable Design Special topics in architecture.
ARCS 30421 The Environmental Imperative Course begins with a historical introduction to the transformative role played by environmental technologies in modern architecture. This discussion is then brought into the present through an introduction to a wide range of contemporary thinking about sustainability in architecture and urbanism.
BSCI 30274 Forestry Management of the forest resource within appropriate environmental constraints for sustained use relative to watershed protection, lumber production, recreation and wildlife.
BSCI 40375 Environmental Biology and Management  The course teaches aspects of applied environmental biology, including habitat management methods, restoration ecology, sustainable use of natural resource, and public policy.  
ECON 32084 Economics of the Environment Examines economic theory of environmental and resource economics in a fashion that is understandable by students with varied backgrounds in economics. Emphasis on microeconomic theory and its application to environmental issues. Topics covered include "market failure" and its impact on the environment; cost benefit analysis; and input-output analysis. Designed for those interested in the environment or who may be planning careers in environmental or natural sciences.
ENG 01001 Introduction to College Writing I (some sections) Introduces the instruction and experiences necessary for students to acquire college-level literacy, with an emphasis on reading and writing college level texts.
ENG 11011 College Writing I (some sections) The study and practice of academic writing, including an introduction to rhetorical principles, the writing process, critical reading, research, and technology
ENG 21001 Introduction to Ethnic Literature of the United States (some sections) Introduction to Ethnic Literature of the United States investigates environmental justice issues, sustainability, and environmental issues in respect to ethnic populations within the United States including past practices and current environmental and environmental justice issues through African American, Chicana/o, Asian American, and Appalachian literature through novels, novel excerpts, essays, poetry, and plays. Authors include Louise Erdrich, Ana Castillo, Helena Maria Viramontes, Laurence Yep, George Ella Lyon, Maxine Hong Kingston, Karen Hesse, poets and musicians.
ENG 21011 College Writing II (some sections) Continuation of college-level writing instruction with emphasis on research and inquiry, culminating in a lengthy written and/or multi-modal project.
ENG 33001 U.S. Literature to 1865 (some sections) American Literature to 1865 includes issues of environmental justice, the environment, and sustainability through novels Hope Leslie  and Rural Hours as well as Margaret Fuller's nonfiction Summer on the Lakes. The search for wealth, the establishment of the mission systems, and treatment of Native Americans and taking over Native American land as well as Native American philosophy in regard to sustainability and the environment are all a part of the work of this class, as is the environmental destruction from war and increasing industrialization shown in such works as Herman Melville's The Paradise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids. 
ENG 33003 U.S. Literature from 1945 to Present (some sections) American Literature since 1945 includes sections concerned with the environment, environmental justice issues, and sustainability. Such novels as Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony, Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, David Guterson's Snow Falling on Cedars, Ana Castillo's So Far From God, films, poetry, and essays all have themes that examine environmental justice and environmental issues. Denise Giardina's Storming Heaven and The Unquiet Earth examine mining in Appalachia and environmental issues. Films that examine the environment, environmental sustainability, and environmental justice, poetry and song provide content.
ENG 49091  Senior Seminar (some sections) Capstone class in English that includes writing about the environment, nature as a character, and human connections to environmental, sustainability, and environmental justice issues in a seminar length paper. This class focuses of the work of Native American writer Louise Erdrich and Southern writer William Faulkner and the mythical areas both create. Through interconnection to the land, through examining poverty and resources, and through issues of environmental and racial justice, these writers commit to changes that allow for sustainability and increasing environmental justice. Films assist in assessing environmental justice issues.
FDM 35012 Sustainability in Fashion Analysis and development of design process thinking through the lens of sustainability and socially responsibility in fashion. Readings, documentaries and lectures are discussed in class. Interdisciplinary teams create a product that supports sustainable fashion futures.
GEOG 22070 Nature and Society This course provides an introduction to interdisciplinary perspectives in nature-society scholarship, focusing on human dimensions of environmental problem domains such as natural resources, ecosystems, climate, and sustainability. It provides a balance of theory and application to illustrative case studies.
GEOG 36065 Cities and Urbanization Course examines what is a city, how it has evolved over time under changing economic conditions, what is its internal structure and how this has been influenced by transportation developments. Special attention is paid to the causes and consequences of social diversity within the city and how cities differ throughout the world.
GEOG 41066-51066-71066 Climate Change and Its Impacts Examination of the evidence and causes of climate change and how this data is assessed. Past, present and future impacts of climate change and variability are discussed, along with policy implications.
GEOG 41073 Conservation of Natural Resources Evaluation of past and current problems associated with the management of natural resources and the environments associated with their utilization.
GEOG 41074 Resource Geography Considers the relationship between culture and resource availability and distribution, including environmental, social, political and economic impacts.
GEOG-21195-41195-71195 ST URBAN SUSTAINABILITY Special topics in environmental geography.
GEOG 41195 Global Environmental Issues (special topics but will soon be its own course number) This course examines the ethical and philosophical foundations of environmental belief systems and explores the Earth’s environment and its opportunities, constraints, and risks.
GEOL 21062 Environmental Earth Science Application of Earth Science to environmental problems, including natural resource extraction, water supply, pollution, waste disposal, landslides, floods and land use planning. Local field trip. 
HONR 10197 Honors Colloquium (some sections) Required of all honors freshmen in lieu of College Writing. Stresses exploration, discussion and communication of ideas expressed in works related to theme of colloquium.
HONR 10297 Honors Colloquium (some sections) Continuation of HONR 10197.
MGMT 44009 Business Case for Sustainability Lays the foundation for sustainable development and the balance issues between economic, social and environmental interests. It frames the business enterprise within the natural and social environments, and surveys a variety of intersection points and the challenges they pose. Systems thinking and long term perspective are used to understand the potential consequences of organizational choices regarding goals and strategies, given consideration of how the natural environment increasingly drives the business environment.
RPTM 36083 Environmental Education and Conservation Environmental education helps people better understand the natural world and to develop attitudes and behaviors conducive to environmental conservation. Teaches students the foundations, principles and techniques of environmental education thus enabling students to prepare and present effective environmental education programs.
SOC 42560 Sociology of Food Food is essential, but like every other aspect of our lives the meaning of food and the experience of its preparation and consumption are socially determined. In this course we’ll explore the social dimensions of food consumption and production. We will consider the following questions and answer them by developing an understanding of sociological concepts and theories: What do our meals reveal about us – about our history, culture, our gender and race and ethnicity, socio-economic status, religious beliefs, and our family life? How does food consumption differ in different societies? How do the media and corporations influence our food choices? What does food mean symbolize and in what ways are these meanings manipulated and why? How is food production carried out in different contexts and what can we learn about the social organization of work from studying food production? How does what we eat contribute to local and global environmental problems?
SPED 43311 DHH Students with Special Needs IEP and transition planning strategies and program content for deaf/hard-of-hearing students w/ADHD, BD, DD, VI, DB, LD, CMI, TBI, chronically health impaired/medically fragile, gifted. Curriculum and lesson development and adaptation for impacted areas.
SPED 43313 Literacy Assessment and Intervention for DHH Students  Theoretical overview of integrated linguistics curriculum and reading theories. Strategies to address DHH difficulties and barriers, instructional planning and materials design, and ongoing assessment strategies. Course includes a practicum placement.
TECH 27210 Introduction to Sustainability Introduces the students to the concepts of sustainability and its three pillars, namely, economic growth, environmental protection, and social equality. Students taking the course will understand the language and concepts of sustainability and will acquire the knowledge to further study sustainability.
TECH 42100 Fuel Cells and Applications Specialized advanced instruction oriented primarily to the theoretical base and application of current technology developed by experts in the specific technology.
TECH 47210 Sustainable Energy I A comprehensive overview of energy sources and energy systems, with an emphasis on renewable energy and the implementation and sustainability of various forms of energy. Examines the characteristics of conventional non-renewable energy systems, along with alternate, renewable energy sources and systems. Includes fundamental energy concepts and the conversion, delivery, distribution, and storage of energy. Explores the technological application of various sources of energy and compares their benefits and limitations. Also presents an overview of present U.S. and global energy needs and demands, and the sustainable energy technologies that may be used to meet future energy demands. 
TECH 47211 Sustainable Energy II

An in-depth study of the analysis, selection, and implementation of various energy and power sources, with an emphasis on the use of renewable, sustainable energy systems. Focuses on determining energy needs, and on assessing and comparing energy systems with respect to efficiency, technical feasibility, available resources, cost and sustainability characteristics. Includes economics of energy systems, methods for determining costs, and cost-benefit analysis of various energy and power systems. Also includes the social, economic and environmental impact associated with the development, implementation and use of various forms of energy.