Quick Tip: Create MAGIC - Part 3 (Grade Comments)

POSTED: Nov. 17, 2023

The Regional Campus Instructional Design team is continuing our 5-week series on communication and MAGIC is our acronym that will help you engage and connect with your students.

As a reminder from last week, MAGIC stands for the following:

  • Message Students Who
  • Announcements
  • Grade comments
  • Inbox
  • Comment Library

Grade Comments

(also known as submission or assignment comments) are built into Canvas in a robust way.  Instructors can use these comments to provide general or overall feedback on individual students’ assignment submissions, quiz attempts, or discussion posts.  

Students can also add comments within their assignments, at the time of submission or afterward.  These comments can be used as a two-way communication channel between the student and instructor, all within the context of the assignment.  Students may comment with a question about the assignment or seek clarification on your feedback.  In addition to sharing initial feedback on the submission, instructors might use the comments to answer a question or provide additional instructions to the student.  These types of one-on-one dialogue can strengthen students’ sense of engagement with you and in the course.

How do instructors add grade comments?

Instructors can access and add grade comments from within SpeedGrader.  The comment box is in the panel on the right, underneath the score.

Did you know?  You are not limited to text-based comments.  You can also A) add file attachments, B) record audio/video comments, or C) use the speech-to-text tool.

Assignment Comments in Canvas SpeedGrader, Instructor view

How do students view your grade comments?

Students can view these comments from their Grades page and from the Submission Details page for the assignment.  Notifications are also sent when comments are posted, so students can receive your grade comments in their email and/or via the Canvas app (depending on their notification settings). 

Student View: Gradebook

Student view: Assignment comments in Gradebook

Student View: Submission Details

Student view: Assignment comments in SpeedGrader


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