Developing and Recognizing Our People Metrics

Strategies proposed in this section of the plan focus on creating new areas of support while improving the current system in order to acknowledge and reward good work. Our goal is to improve morale and climate, and to increase retention of students, staff, and faculty.

Metrics for the Implementation Plan Source Baseline 2013 Intermediate 2015 Target 2018
Increase the number of faculty participating in professional development programs.        
  FPDC 137 164 197
Increase the number of categories for which we are recognized as one of the Best Places to Work, Chronicle of Higher Education.        
  Chronicle 1 2 3
Increase the number of leadership training programs for chairs, directors, and deans.        
  Provost 1 4 4
Increase the number of faculty participating in Faculty Appreciation Week.        
• Breakfast UCAE 150 250 350
• Faculty Club UCAE 150 160 175