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University policy regarding student housing

  1. Purpose. Kent state university requires first-and second-year students enrolled for nine or more credit hours on the Kent campus to reside in the university's residence halls and participate in a residential meal plan. This requirement excludes summer sessions and is applicable until the attainment of junior academic standing (sixty semester credit hours) or the receipt of an exemption.
  2. Exemptions. Exemptions to this requirement must be requested through the process designated by university housing. Students not specifically granted an exemption prior to the first day of classes for the applicable semester may be considered in violation.
    1. Exemptions of up to one year may be granted to students who:
      1. Live and travel to class from the principal residence of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) which is located within a fifty-mile driving distance from the Kent campus;
      2. Are active members of and live in a university-recognized fraternity or sorority house, as well as maintain the established standards set forth by the center for student involvement;
      3. Are offered an exemption through university housing; or
      4. Can demonstrate other acceptable extenuating circumstances.
    2. Students not bound to the housing policy include those who:
      1. Are twenty years of age or older, having reached age twenty no later than the first day of classes for the applicable semester;
      2. Are married;
      3. Are single parents with primary child-rearing responsibilities;
      4. Are military personnel with one or more years of full-time duty;
      5. Have completed two full-time academic years (excluding summer) of college enrollment;
      6. Have attained junior academic standing;
      7. Have lived in college or university on-campus housing for four semesters or the equivalent; or
      8. Can demonstrate other acceptable extenuating circumstances.
  3. Verification. Students who are not bound by the housing policy may need to submit verification of their status upon the request of university housing.   
  4. Procedure. Upon receipt, all exemption applications will be reviewed by the designated official of university housing. An approval or denial will be emailed to the student. If the student's request for exemption is denied, the student will have fourteen days in which to submit a written appeal to the exemption appeals board and may request a personal appearance before the board. All appeal decisions made by the board are considered final.
  5. Violation. Nonexempt first-and second-year full-time students not residing on campus will be considered in violation of this policy and may have their records placed on "ineligible hold" with the university, thus preventing future registration.
  6. Presentations of falsified information may be referred to the office of student conduct for further action.
  7. Consistent with the university's policy of non-discrimination, university housing provides equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment to all persons without regard to the protected categories as listed in rule 3342-5-16 of the Administrative Code, although there are some residence hall rooms pre-designated for individuals identifying as male and female and on the basis of accessibility.
Policy Effective Date:
Jul 01, 2023
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 9/11/1979, 6/9/1989, 7/20/1990, 10/14/1992, 2/8/1993, 5/24/1995, 12/20/2004, 6/1/2007, 01/13/2014, 3/1/2015, 6/10/2017