
4 - 03.302

Operational procedures and regulations regarding flier and leaflets

  1. A "flier/leaflet" is defined as any printed matter distributed by hand, such as separate sheets, small notices or advertisements.
  2. Fliers and leaflets may be distributed:
    1. Outside buildings so long as pedestrian and vehicular traffic is not substantially impeded.
    2. Inside the Kent student center, except
      1. Near (approximately ten feet of) any doorway or stairway or in any manner so as to create a safety hazard or impede normal traffic,
      2. On stairways,
      3. In food service and other retail sales areas,
      4. In meeting rooms (unless with permission of the group that has scheduled the event), or
      5. In restrooms.
    3. Inside other buildings, including residence halls, from behind reserved tables.
  3. Fliers and leaflets specifically may not be distributed:
    1. In any faculty or staff work area;
    2. On vehicle windshields;
    3. Inside classrooms, laboratories, libraries or offices; or
    4. Door-to-door or in corridors adjacent to student rooms in residence halls.
  4. Violations. The facility curator or other appropriate university official shall inform any individual or individuals or group who are in violation of this rule and request compliance. Failure to comply immediately shall subject the individual or individuals or group to criminal charges.
  5. Appeals. Any individual, group or department convinced that arbitrary or unreasonable limitations have been imposed in the implementation of this rule may appeal to the vice president for student affairs or designee.
Policy Effective Date:
May 30, 2017
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
10/4/1975, 6/1/2007, 3/1/2015