
Faculty/Staff News Now: CPM Continues Care During Crisis; Free Online Meditation; Great Colleges Survey Closes April 10; CED Offers Online Drop-Ins; Wellness Your Way Tier 1 Deadline Extended; Teleworking Guidelines for All Remote Workers

CPM Continues Care in a Time of Crisis

CPM’s Cleveland Foot & Ankle Clinic Continues to Serve Safely Amid the Coronavirus Outbreak

We are living in unprecedented times. These six words have become the motto of 2020. They are spoken soberly each day around 2 p.m. by Ohio Health Director Dr. Amy Acton and Governor Mike DeWine during the daily update on the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus throughout Ohio. The rapid progression and fluidity of the novel coronavirus throughout the world has kept us on our toes and forced a creativity on our practices in order to maintain our missions at the forefront of focus.

The College of Podiatric Medicine (CPM) is experiencing this swell of change not only in the way it provides first rate podiatric medical education to its students, but also in the services offered to Northeast Ohio patients at the Cleveland Foot & Ankle Clinic (CFAC).

CFAC serves as a teaching facility where third- and fourth-year CPM students work alongside faculty to diagnose and treat various conditions of the foot and ankle. Students treat a variety of pathologies and learn about the many subspecialties in the field, including wound care, limb salvage, palliative care, surgery or trauma, biomechanics and even sports medicine, among others.

While the Independence center and the office on the Kent Campus reluctantly closed, the clinic in the Midtown section of Cleveland remains open, albeit with limited patient hours. Although most routine visits are being postponed, any post-op patients requiring continuity of care can still get treatment on Mondays and Wednesdays.

CFAC faculty and staff are working diligently to implement best practices from Dr. Acton and Governor DeWine. Appointments are spaced throughout the day to establish social distancing and masks are available for physicians and patients during close-proximity exams. Patients and clinicians use remote support during periods when the clinic is closed.

Student clinical rotations at CFAC have been canceled for the remaining March session and are being reassessed month-to-month. However, the clinic’s purpose remains certain during these uncertain times: getting Northeast Ohio patients back on their feet.

Free Online Meditation Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m.

Feeling stressed from all the recent adjustments you’ve had to make this semester? Is news about the coronavirus pandemic leaving you anxious?

Through May 28, ϲ of Wellness – the university’s healthy campus initiative – is hosting free, facilitated online meditation sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. Thirty-minute sessions are open to all members of the ϲ community and their families and friends.

Studies show that meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety, and can help alleviate depression, improve cognition and reduce distractions, among other things.

You can join the by using meeting ID: 440 404 180. You can also to your system.

For additional information and resources to help you cope during this social distancing period, visit www.kent.edu/stateofwellness/resources.

Please email questions to Melissa Celko, director, ϲ of Wellness, at mcelko1@kent.edu.

Great Colleges Survey Closes April 10

As a reminder, an invitation to take the "Great Colleges to Work For" survey has been distributed to a random selection of our employees. If you received an invitation but haven't completed the survey, please take a moment to do so. The extended deadline to complete the survey is April 10.

Whether or not our institution is recognized, we can learn from the feedback and make improvements going forward. Everyone's participation is encouraged and appreciated. A high response rate helps ensure an accurate representation of our community.

For more information, contact Dr. Susan Perry, Assistant Provost for Accreditation, Assessment and Learning, at assessment@kent.edu.

Career Exploration and Development Offers Online Drop-Ins

Faculty and staff are asked to share with your student workers that beginning Mon., March 30, CED will offer online drop-in sessions once daily Monday through Friday. Faculty, staff and students can access the schedule.

CED drop-in sessions help with questions related to student majors and career-related matters like resume and cover letter critiques, and how to search for career opportunities and network via Handshake, as well as brief job interview tips.

Please direct questions to career@kent.edu.

Wellness Your Way Tier 1 Deadline Extended to June 30

Due to the University limiting on-campus operations in response to Governor Mike DeWine's mandates surrounding COVID-19, all onsite "Know Your Numbers" health screenings during the months of March and April have been cancelled. In addition, we know that routine office screenings and visits will also be highly limited as the healthcare system focuses on those affected by the virus. With these factors in mind,Employee Wellness has extended the Tier 1 deadline to June 30.

To accommodate those employees still working on Tier 1, we have added 3 new onsite screening datesin June:

  • Tuesday, June 9
  • Thursday, June 25
  • Tuesday, June 30

"Know Your Numbers" screenings are provided by our wellness partner, Be Well Solutions, and are available to full-time, benefits-eligible faculty and staff. To schedule a screening, login to the Be Well portal at , click on "Worksite Screening" under "My Appointments", and select a date.

Earn Tier 2 Points with Virtual and Self-Paced Offerings

Employee Wellness has been working diligently to move several of our lunch and learns, workshops and financial wellness sessions to a webinar format, wherever possible.Our group challenges will continue as scheduled. We are also exploring new opportunities for Tier 2 points that are feasible to complete while teleworking, including the addition a “Be Well Videos” category and the ability to earn Mindfulness/Yoga points for virtual participation for the “Mindfulness” category. These updates have been applied to the Be Well Portal for Tier 2. In addition, a quick reference document of other Tier 2 items that can be completed during the qualifying period, Jan. 2 – Oct. 15, can be found .

Lastly, Employee Wellness takes this opportunity to highlight some upcoming offerings, as well as remind you of self-paced activities that are eligible for Tier 2 points, even if you still have not completed Tier 1. These include:

Teleworking Guidelines for All Remote Workers

ϲ's commitment to safely and effectively meet the public health challenge presented by COVID-19 means most university employees are now working from home and will continue to do so in the weeks ahead.

Thrust into a work from home situation, many employees quickly learn that working remotely may not be what they expected, and that it requires specific skills and habits. The Employee Wellness Team has had numerous requests to assist in this regard and have considered important factors that not only help to make us more productive in this situation, but also considerations for supporting the remote workers’ ongoing health and wellbeing.

To assist you with setting up and maintaining your best workspace, the Wellness Team has developed guidelines to provide all ϲ employees with the necessary information, resources and tips needed to successfully manage working remotely while managing your health, wellbeing, and other priorities. Some of the information you will find within these Guidelines for Remote Workers include:

  • Setting up your workspace
  • Creating your routine
  • Prioritizing your health and wellness, and
  • Being a productive team member

Employee Wellness believes these resources will provide the guidance necessary for supervisors, employees and departments as you adjust to your temporary remote work arrangements quickly and successfully in the coming weeks. The Wellness team will continue to provide you with ongoing support. Please feel free to send questions to wellness@kent.edu.

Dining Services’ New Hours of Operation

Based on the latest University Advisory, Dining Services will have adjusted hours of operation.

The Prentice Café will offer $5 meals Mon. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4 – 6 p.m. from March 30 through May 8. Munchies Market Store will open Mon. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4 – 6 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Please visit the University Dining Services website for updated hours of operation.

POSTED: Monday, March 30, 2020 12:03 PM
Updated: Friday, July 26, 2024 09:34 AM