
Third-Year Review Criteria

The candidate will present the following materials for the first and second third-year reviews:

猞    An up-to-date curriculum vitae;
猞    Student evaluations (SEI summary sheets and student comments) from all classes taught at 澳门六合彩资料 during the preceding two and one-half years;
猞    Syllabi and other instructional materials for one or more classes, including copies of representative marked student papers;
猞    A recent peer evaluation based on a class visit (The faculty member conducting the evaluation will be nominated by the candidate after consultation with the Chairperson or the Campus Dean);
猞    Materials that bear upon assigned administrative or other responsibilities for which equivalencies are given;
猞    A self-evaluation statement;
猞    Other materials that may bear upon the evaluation of teaching performance, such as evidence of student achievement, analysis of student records, evidence of involvement in curricular development, etc.

In addition, the Department recognizes that significant aspects of instructional activity take place outside the classroom, and candidates are encouraged to include evidence of success in non-classroom teaching in the file.

Candidates who receive a positive recommendation for reappointment are eligible for but are not guaranteed reappointment.  As the FTNTT CBA specifies, other factors (besides teaching performance) are involved in the reappointment decision, specifically the availability of funding and programmatic need.  Candidates who receive a recommendation for reappointment after the third year may, under circumstances specified in the CBA, be eligible for a three-year term contract.

Three-year Term Appointments after completion of six (6) years of consecutive employment and two (2) Full Performance Reviews.

Absent written notification prior to October 1 of an academic year that the appointment is not to be renewed for the next academic year, the appointment for the next academic year within the three-year term shall be regarded as renewed.  The basis for failure to reappoint, which shall be stated in the notification letter, shall be the absence of one or more of continuing satisfactory performance of instructional and related faculty responsibilities, of continuing programmatic and/or staffing need within the unit, or of anticipated budgeted resources sufficient to support the position for the coming year.