
The Handbook of the Department of Pan-African Studies describes the procedures and policies governing the life of the Department.  Where appropriate, the Handbook quotes specific passages from the University Policy Register and, for additional information, refers also to the Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) for full-time tenure track (TT) and non-tenure track (NTT) faculty.  Each full-time faculty member is provided by the University with a copy of the appropriate CBA.  Any conflict between the policies stated in the Handbook and those of the College, the University Policy Register, the CBAs and other official policies of the University shall be resolved in favor of those documents.  In this document the meaning of the phrase full-time faculty shall be determined by the position and stipulations stated in the individual contract, and shall refer both to full-time tenure track or tenured faculty and to full-time non-tenure track faculty.  The term full-time TT faculty shall refer exclusively to tenure track or tenured faculty, and full-time NTT faculty to full-time non-tenure track faculty.   The term regular faculty includes only those appointed full-time with the rank of Instructor, Lecturer, Associate Lecturer, Senior Lecturer Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor.

Suggestions for revisions to the Handbook may be initiated at any time by any member of the Department.  Whenever major modifications in the CBAs or Department, College and University policies occur, during the following academic year the Chairperson, in consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC), shall review and revise the Handbook.  The revised Handbook shall be submitted to a vote of the full-time faculty before the Chairperson forwards it to the Dean.  Whenever the FAC makes minor changes in major policies, the Handbook may be changed accordingly without altering the content of the full document.  All changes and revisions must conform to the CBAs for full-time TT and NTT faculty and the University Policy Register.  Such changes and revisions must also be approved by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in accordance with the provisions of said CBAs.