

Administrative policy regarding leave of absence for temporary disability

  1. Policy statement. A leave of absence may be granted upon written request for a period not to exceed six months when an eligible classified or unclassified staff member requests leave for an extended absence due to illness, pregnancy or temporary disability. The staff member shall furnish satisfactory medical proof of such illness, pregnancy or temporary disability.
  2. Illness, pregnancy, childbirth, related conditions and temporary disability.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 04, 2024


Administrative policy regarding inappropriate service of clerical and secretarial employees

  1. An employee's responsibilities should relate to the work of the office, the university and/or higher education in general. 
  2. Secretarial or employees in the classified service should not be asked to perform assignment beyond the scope of their responsibilities.
  3. The director of talent management will assist in the resolution of questions regarding the scope of responsibilities, upon request.

This policy was previously numbered 3342-6-20.3.

Policy Effective Date:
Oct 04, 2024


Administrative policy regarding guests in residence halls

  1. Purpose. This policy shall govern, define and provide rules for guests visiting the residence halls.
  2. Definitions. As used in this rule "guest” is defined as any person who does not currently reside in the residence halls. For the purposes of this policy, the Eastway Center is considered a dining space and is not defined as a residence hall.
  3. Criteria/scope/requirements/eligibility.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 04, 2024


Administrative policy regarding graduate faculty

  1. Each academic unit shall form a graduate faculty committee selected from its present full members of the graduate faculty. It may be desirable for this committee to be the graduate studies committee to the academic unit. This committee shall evaluate its faculty for graduate faculty status and forward its recommendations to the academic unit administrator or designee for approval.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 04, 2024


Administrative policy regarding financial responsibility of student organizations

  1. Purpose. The university expects each organization to anticipate, provide for and meet promptly its financial obligations in a business-like and equitable manner.
  2. Nonpayment. An organization which fails to meet its financial obligations or has a deficit balance with the university will be informed as to the situation. If prompt corrective action is not taken, the organization will lose the privilege of utilizing university facilities and services. Loss of recognition may be the eventual result of continued nonpayment of bills.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 04, 2024


Administrative policy regarding faculty tenure in regional campuses

Policy statement. Regional campus faculty who receive tenure are tenured in the regional campuses and not on the Kent campus. Conversely, Kent campus faculty who are tenured are tenured on the Kent campus and not in the regional campuses.

Policy Effective Date:
Oct 04, 2024


Administrative policy regarding faculty leaves of absence without pay

  1. The university does not provide leaves of absence with pay for faculty. Leaves of absence on a one-year (or less) basis without pay may be arranged through the department chairperson or school director and, with his/her approval, the approval of the dean of the college or school, and the approval of the vice president for academic and student affairs.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 04, 2024
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