
Extern Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

All externship placements are final. You may not request or attempt to negotiate a different type of  placement or hours at your placement with Mrs. Kolonich or your liaison supervisor.

The student is required to be on site every day that his/her supervisor is scheduled to be there, this may  include a Saturday or Sunday. This is NOT negotiable. Any student who attempts to negotiate a different  schedule will automatically receive a .5 deduction in his/her average clinical rating. 

Students are not expected to work more than 40 hours each week. 

Students will not schedule vacation during required externship dates. 

Students will follow the site’s schedule with regard to federal holidays. 

Students are required to follow the dress code of the site. 

Absences of more than two days for personal illness or injury will require a physician’s statement. 

The student acknowledges that every effort will be made to schedule personal appointments outside of  their scheduled time at their site.

The student must follow site procedures with regard to pre-notification of any absence. 

The student must notify the KSU liaison by e-mail any time he/she is late, absent or leaves early, and  must send a copy to the site supervisor. This includes when your site supervisor cancels as well. 

The site supervisor may require that missed time be made up in any site-related activities and in any  time frame the site supervisor desires, however the site supervisor is not required to allow a student to  make up missed time from their placement. 

Missed days may result in reduced clock hours and may have an effect on your total clock hours for  clinical graduation requirements. Do not assume that you will be able to make up missed time (e.g.  extend your placement an extra week).

In the event of a planned absence of the site supervisor, the site supervisor may plan for the student to  be engaged in some clinically relevant activity until the site supervisor returns. This may include  shadowing an SLP, OT or PT. Do not assume that you will not be required to be at the site if your site  supervisor is absent.

General Expectations

The student is required to complete any on site or home assignment given to him/her by the site  supervisor. 

The student will engage in any site-required training (e.g., HIPAA, Infection control, etc.)  The student will abide by the ASHA code of Ethics.

The site supervisor will notify the student, AND the student will notify the KSU liaison of documentation  of unprofessional behavior and copy the site supervisor. 

The site supervisor will consult with the KSU liaison regarding penalty for unprofessional conduct, which  may include a reduction in the average clinical rating on the midterm and the final evaluation or  discontinuation of the externship. 

The student will not accept employment that requires an early ending to the externship. 

The student will not accept employment that requires hand-on services prior to receiving appropriate  entry-level professional credentials (e.g., Conditional Ohio licensure). 

Performance and Professionalism

Eight credits of B- or lower may have an impact on the student’s ability to maintain the required 3.0 GPA  to graduate and could affect the student’s standing within the program. The last day to withdraw from  the placement will be listed in Flashline in the student’s schedule.

Regardless of the final grade, students with outstanding ASHA incompetencies (e.g. any final score  below and 3.0 or listed as “not met”) will not be able to apply for ASHA certification or Ohio licensure  and should check requirements for all other states in which they might seek employment. 

*The externship may be discontinued by the site at any time if the student is jeopardizing patient/client  care or the site supervisor’s ability to perform his/her required duties. If that occurs after the final  withdrawal deadline, the student will receive his/her final evaluation as of the last day at the externship  site and will receive the equivalent grade. If a student withdraws from externship, any documented  clinical incompetencies will remain on the student’s record pending sufficient evidence of remediation  (including re-enrollment in externship in a subsequent semester). 

Students will be respectful of the KSU liaison and turn in all required materials including updates and  any other assignments at the time designated by the liaison. Failure to do so may result in a .5 deduction  on the final practicum. 

Graduation and licensure requirements are dependent not only on total clock hours accrued but also  meeting competency consistently across the practicum experience. Therefore, students cannot  discontinue or alter the schedule of their placement once reaching 375 clock hours. 

Students will be respectful in all interactions. Know that your supervisor has chosen to work in this  setting and share this experience with you because it has meaning to them. Even if the setting you are  assigned to is not your preferred choice, be grateful for the opportunity and treat it like it is. Realize that  the site supervisor is giving back to the profession by teaching you. 

I acknowledge the student terms and conditions.

Signature of Student: