
Graduate Faculty Status

Graduate Faculty status affords the privilege to interact with students as a member of the 澳门六合彩资料 Graduate Faculty. You must obtain Graduate Faculty status to be eligible to teach graduate courses and participate on graduate student committees. Please note that Graduate Faculty status is not related to professorial ranking.

There are two levels of Graduate Faculty status:

Associate Graduate Status enables faculty, when appropriate as judged by the department and approved by the dean of the graduate school, to teach specific graduate-level courses, direct master's theses and serve on master's and doctoral examination committees, and serve as co-advisor of doctoral dissertation committees with a senior faculty member who is a full member of the graduate faculty.

Full Graduate Status enables faculty to teach graduate-level courses, chair master's and doctoral examination committees, sit on graduate committees, serve as voting members of the graduate faculty and serve on the Graduate Council and other graduate faculty committees.

Please see the Graduate Faculty Status guidelines for additional information.

To apply for Graduate Faculty status:

  • Submit the Appointment to the Graduate Faculty (PDF)form and curriculum vitae for review and approval by the academic department and the college dean.
  • After department and college approval, the application and vitae should be submitted to the Graduate College for final approval and implementation.

To request removal from the Graduate Faculty:

  • Submit the Removal from the Graduate Faculty (PDF) form for review and approval by the academic department and the college dean.
  • After department and college approval, a copy of the form should be submitted to the Graduate College for implementation.

Current Graduate Faculty Roster: