
Structure and Organization of the Campus

The Tuscarawas Campus Dean is responsible for implementing policy and procedures in the day-to-day operations of the Campus.

Other administrative staff members include but are not limited to those positions listed on the campus organizational chart.  (See Section V.)   

The terms "Faculty", "members of the Faculty", and "Faculty members" used in this Handbook are defined as full-time faculty of academic rank who hold tenured or tenure-track appointments in the Regional Campuses System who, therefore, are members of the bargaining unit as defined in the current tenure-track Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).  The terms “faculty”, “members of the faculty”, and “faculty members” refer to all full-time faculty. 

Faculty involvement in the governance of the University is undertaken through two (2) major groups.  One is the Faculty Senate, a University-wide body of representatives elected from each academic unit (department, school, regional campus).  The Faculty Senate operates primarily in making recommendations on the University’s academic and professional standards and University policy in specified areas.

The other major opportunities for faculty involvement in institutional governance are faculty advisory committees at each level of administrative authority:  department/school/independent college, academic college, and Regional College.  Regional campus faculty members are represented on each of these bodies. 

The Tuscarawas Campus Faculty Council is comprised of eleven (11) members elected from the four Groups as described below in Section A.  The Faculty Council Chair is elected for a one-year term and may serve consecutive terms.  The Faculty Council also elects a Vice-Chair and a Secretary/Treasurer (see Section A below) on an annual basis.  All Faculty are expected and all FTNTT are invited to participate in a variety of other standing and/or ad hoc committees, including search committees and those committees dealing with any administrative review of the Campus.

Faculty members report to the Tuscarawas Campus Dean and are directly accountable to the Dean in all matters except those pertaining to curriculum, the primary responsibility for which rests with the Kent Campus department/school/independent college or academic college.

The Tuscarawas County University Branch District Board of Trustees is appointed by the County Commissioners.  The Board holds legal title to the Campus property and to the physical facilities, and contracts the operation of the facility to ϲ on a renewable basis.

Each career-oriented technical program at the Tuscarawas Campus has an advisory committee whose members provide curricular advice.  Business and Community Services has a similar advisory board.

Finally, the Tuscarawas County University Foundation provides a mechanism for receiving community gifts to the Tuscarawas Campus. These funds are used to provide scholarships, student loans, and distinguished teaching awards as well as other needs of the Campus.