Office Assignments

The Campus Dean is responsible for the assignment of space, including faculty offices, in all Campus buildings.  Faculty offices are normally assigned using a priority system based upon seniority, rank, highest earned degree and type of appointment.  A point system incorporating these factors is applied and the Faculty Chair makes recommendations to the Campus Dean for the assignment of faculty offices.  Faculty with higher office points may have the opportunity to move into offices occupied by those with lower points.  Office changes may occur annually prior to the Fall semester.  In the Spring semester, the Faculty Council Chair sends an office point verification notice to each faculty member.  Faculty members must submit a corrected point notice to the FC Chair immediately or no changes in points will be assumed.  Based on the point system, the Faculty Chair will then make recommendations to the Dean for specific office assignments.


  1. Point System


a.   Seniority

1 point for each full-time year teaching at the Tuscarawas Campus

0.5 point for each full-time year teaching at other KSU campuses

Years of service are multiplied by the rank held during the service:

5 for Professor/Senior Lecturer

4 for Associate Professor/Associate Lecturer

3 for Assistant Professor/Lecturer

2 for Instructor


b.   Rank

50 points for Professor/Senior Lecturer

40 points for Associate Professor/Associate Lecturer

30 points for Assistant Professor/Lecturer


c.   Highest Degree Earned

25 points for a Ph.D.

15 points for a Master’s degree

5 points for a Bachelor’s degree


d.   Full-time Contract

30 points for tenured

20 points for tenure-track

15 points for full-time non-tenure-track


The sum total of points in all areas determines the priority of assignment list which will serve as a reference when the Campus Dean assigns office space.