Faculty Ranks

The basic definitions of faculty ranks are the following:

1.   Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments

The basic definitions of Faculty ranks are the following:

a.   Assistant Professor:  This rank is the entry-level rank for tenure-track Faculty.

b.   Associate Professor:  Hire to or promotion to this rank presumes prior service as an Assistant Professor and significant academic achievements.

c.   Professor:  Hire to or promotion to this rank requires credentials and achievements significantly beyond those required for promotion to Associate Professor and is reserved for senior Faculty members who have achieved significant recognition in their discipline.

2.   Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty (FTNTT) Appointments

Full-time non-tenure track faculty (FTNTT) appointments are made on an annual basis.  FTNTT appointments are not included under the umbrella of the University policy and procedures regarding Faculty tenure and FTNTT faculty members are not entitled to any rights with regard to tenure.

FTNTT Ranks: Lecturer, Associate Lecturer and Senior Lecturer without the terminal degree and Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor with the terminal degree.

3.   Part-Time Faculty Appointments

When the Campus cannot meet its teaching needs from the ranks of its Faculty and full-time non-tenure track (FTNTT) faculty, part-time faculty appointments will be made from an established pool of qualified applicants not currently on regular appointment at the University.

4.   Graduate Faculty Status

All Faculty members hired for tenure-track positions are eligible to apply for appointment to the graduate faculty as associate or full members.  The Administrative policy regarding graduate faculty is included in the University Policy Register.