
Our Programs

The Center for Teaching and Learning is dedicated to providing multiple engagement opportunities through our programming.

We offer a number of programs ranging from submitting your ideas about how to help students feel like they belong, to semester-long reading groups and year-long faculty learning communities focused on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 

If you have any questions or would like to talk with a CTL staff member, please email us at ctl@kent.edu.  

Current Programming with Open Applications (due March 25th at 8am)


Current Programming:

  • Belonging Champions: Semester-long program made up of faculty communities of transformation centered in love, dialogue, problem solving, and praxis. The program seeks to build relationships between faculty members and explore student success from the dimension of鈥痥ey conditions for thriving, such as belonging.
  • Faculty Affiliate: Academic-year long opportunity to immerse oneself in the work of CTL and lead a teaching & learning professional development opportunity for KSU faculty.
  • Faculty Reading Groups: Semester-long virtual group that meets monthly to discuss sections of a designated book
  • Faculty Fellows: Academic-year long leadership opportunity that supports a university-wide project of their choice related to teaching and learning.


Past Programs:

Early Career Teaching Program: Academic-year long faculty learning community on all things related to the first few years of teaching.

Faculty Writing Groups: Beginning in the summer of 2018, The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) began offering an exciting opportunity to support all faculty to remain on-track with their writing goals throughout each semester. 

Inclusive Teaching Faculty Learning Community: The Inclusive Teaching Faculty Learning Community (ITFLC) was a year-long program that explores best practices for teaching for students of many different identities.  One of the goals of this program is to increase awareness of how some teaching and assessment styles favor the identities, experiences and backgrounds of some students more than those of others. The ITFLC faculty participants actively implement inclusive teaching pedagogy in the revision of an existing course or the design of a new course. This program prepares faculty to be able to serve as leaders in inclusive teaching within their academic units and the university community.

Intercultural Faculty Scholars: The program provided participants with tools to examine, assess, and enhance, their department/ school policies and practices around international and intercultural concerns.