Personal Injury


Clothing on Fire

• Roll person around on floor to smother flame, using a fire blanket, if available, OR drench with

water if safety shower is immediately available.

• Obtain medical attention.

• Report incident to supervisor.

Radioactive Spill on Body

• Remove contaminated clothing.

• Rinse exposed area thoroughly with water.

• Obtain medical attention, if necessary.

• Report incident to supervisor and Radiation Safety Officer.

Chemical Spill on Body

• Flood exposed area with running water from faucet or safety shower for at least 5 minutes.

• Remove contaminated clothing at once.

• Make sure chemical has not accumulated in shoes.

• Remove shoes.

• Obtain medical attention, in necessary.

• Report incident to supervisor.

Biological Spill on Body

• Remove contaminated clothing.

• Vigorously wash exposed area with soap and water for 1 minute

• Obtain medical attention, if necessary.

• Report incident to supervisor.

Hazardous Material Splashed in Eye

• Immediately rinse eyeball and inner surface of eyelid with water continuously for 15 minutes.

• Forcibly hold eye open to ensure effective wash behind eyelids.

• Obtain medical attention.

• Report incident to supervisor.

Minor Cuts and Puncture Wounds

• Vigorously wash injury with soap and water for several minutes.

• Obtain medical attention.

• Report incident to supervisor.