
Accident Investigation Procedure

210 Accident Investigations

  1. Purpose
    1. To establish a reporting procedure that will ensure compliance with OSHA Recordkeeping requirements and identify factors that must be controlled to eliminate occurrences.
  2. Scope
    1. This procedure applies to all faculty and staff using laboratories in Biology, Chemistry, Liquid Crystal Institute, Physics, Psychology, Anthropology, Exercise, Leisure and Sport, Technology, and Geology Departments and all studios in the School of Art.
  3. References
    1. Employee Report of Injury or Occupational Illness Form.  Office of Risk Management
    2. Non-Employee Report of Injury or Illness Form
  4. Responsibilities
    1. Employees and non-employees (i.e. students, visitors) must report all work related incidents that resulted in injuries, illness or property loss to their immediate supervisor.  Incidents of the near miss kind that did not result in any loss should also be reported.
    2. Supervisors will ensure that the employee completes the Employee Report of Injury or Occupational Illness, complete their copy of the Supervisor's Statement and distribute the completed forms.  Supervisors will complete the non-employee report form.
    3. Department Chemical Hygiene Officer or Department Safety Officer will assist in the completion of the forms and ensure proper distribution.
    4. Manager, Laboratory Safety will follow up with a systems investigation and make recommendations to CHARM, Department Heads or DCHO as appropriate to prevent future recurrence of the incident.
  5. Procedures
    1. The first concern whenever an incident has occurred is to attend to the injured person(s) and minimize damage to equipment and buildings.
    2. After the injured have been taken care of and the emergency has been controlled, or upon being told of an incident, the employee's immediate supervisor will obtain the Employee Report of Injury or Occupational Illness or Non-employee Report of Injury or Illness.  See link to form in section 3 above.
    3. The Supervisor will report incident to the DCHO or Department Safety Officer and will ensure completion of the form by following the instructions provided.
    4. After the forms have been completed, send one copy to the Manager, Laboratory Safety, one copy to the Department Chemical Hygiene Officer or Safety Officer, and send one copy to the Office of Risk Management.