
Student Employment Handbook - Employment Policies and Procedures

Address and Name Change Procedures

Address Changes
Students may update their address information in . Students should access the My Profile page by clicking on the profile image, and then go to the Secure Account Access section.

Name Changes
A request for a legal name change must be accompanied by a completed legal name change request form, a photo ID, and the required legal documentation.  Legal documentation such as a court order, marriage license, birth certificate, Social Security card, valid U.S. passport, or an adoption order must be submitted to to the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center (University Library or the appropriate Regional Campus representative). All photocopies of documents must be notarized for authenticity and will not be returned. According to the Social Security Administration (PDF), it is critical that your name and social security number (as shown on your card) match your employer's payroll records and year-end W2 forms.

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Meal and Break Periods

Break periods are not legislated by state or federal law, or university policy. While most students work in areas where they are free to use restroom facilities at their convenience, if students are not able to take these breaks without coverage being provided, supervisors must arrange reasonable coverage.

A 30 minute unpaid meal break should be provided to students who work a shift of six or more consecutive hours.

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Concurrent and Other Employee Status, Employment of Relatives

Concurrent and Other Employee Status Prohibited

  • Individuals can not work as both a member of the faculty, classified or unclassified staff member, and as a student employee at the same time.
  • Students who hold a full-time temporary position at the university are not eligible for a student employment position until one year from the last date of temporary employment.

Graduate Students As Student Employees

  • Graduate students MAY work on campus as student employees, provided they maintain at least half-time enrollment (4 credit hours) during Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Graduate students with an active assistantship who desire concurrent employment in an additional position on campus must complete the Request for Additional Employment Form. If approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies, the hiring department should submit a PAF for the additional employment to the Office of the Provost, Academic Personnel (330-672-2220).
  • Graduate students who are not employed in an active assistantship do not need special permission to work in a student employment position (i.e. when the employment period occurs outside their assistantship term, (typically summer for academic year appointments). Hiring activity for these positions will be conducted through Career Exploration and Development.

Employment of Relatives

  • There is no objection to the appointment of multiple members of families to University positions regardless of relationship so long as one family member is not in a position to influence a decision in favor of or against another. Any decisions involving possible direct benefit or detriment to the student employee shall be made by the Executive Director of Career Exploration and Development, the appointing authority for student employment. Refer to the University Policy Register Rule 6-04.2.

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Credit Hour Enrollment Requirement

To work on campus during Fall and Spring semesters, students must be enrolled and maintain at least half-time enrollment (6 credit hours for undergraduate students and 4 credit hours for graduate students). Students must maintain enrollment at the minimum required credit hours the entire period in which they are working for Fall and Spring semesters. Audited classes are not considered degree-granting credits and do not count towards the minimum credit hour requirement.

To work on campus between Fall and Spring semesters (winter break), students must have completed enrollment for the upcoming Spring semester, or have been enrolled in the previous Fall semester.

Summer employment requires enrollment in the following Fall semester unless the student is enrolled (half-time) for summer or graduating in August. Enrollment in summer is not required for August graduates, or students enrolled in the Fall, unless the student wishes to waive a contribution to OPERS.

Students who are graduating (both university and federal work-study funded) are permitted to work through the Saturday (work-week end date) of the week in which they are scheduled to graduate. Students pursuing post-undergraduate or graduate work immediately following graduation will be required to be enrolled in the 6 credit hour or 4 credit hour minimum required for employment on-campus. Students may be asked to verify their enrollment status.

Dropping Below the Credit Hour Enrollment Requirement
During Fall and Spring semesters, students who drop below half-time enrollment status will lose their eligibility for employment and all positions held will be terminated immediately.

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Grievance Procedures for Student Employees

As established in the University Policy Register Rule 6.25.1, if a student has a concern about their employment, it is expected that the complaint be resolved with minimal delay, preferably at the point at which it arises. The following steps should be followed:

  1. The student employee and the immediate supervisor should attempt to make good faith efforts at a fair and equitable resolution of the concern, with the right to appeal to a higher level exercised only after it is determined that mutual satisfaction cannot be reached.
  2. If the student employee is dissatisfied with the response from the supervisor, then the student should contact the next level supervisor and/or administrative director/dean of the employing department to request a review of the concern.
  3. Should the resolution be unsatisfactory at the department level, the student employee may meet with the Career Exploration and Development, Student Employment to outline the nature of the concern and attempts to resolve the matter at the department level, and provide supporting documentation pertinent to the issue. Student Employment can be reached at 330-672-2360, campusworks@kent.edu, or at 261 Schwartz. 
  4. The Grievance Review Staff will review all of the information for completeness and request any additional information from the student or employing department to ensure a thorough review of the facts and clarity of the concern. A final decision concerning the grievance will be submitted, in writing, to the student and department. The decision by the Career Exploration and Development Grievance Review Staff is final.

Additional Information Excerpted From Policy Register Rule 6.25.1 (F) (5) (c-g)

  • In initiating a complaint, and throughout the formal appeals process, students may seek the counsel of the Office of the Student Ombuds who will provide information, clarify procedures, and facilitate communication as requested.  Career Exploration and Development will facilitate the grievance procedures indicated above.
  • It is understood that some issues may involve one or more policies which, because of either the nature of the complaint or the status of the complaint, may be related to University offices which have separate responsibilities for such policies. For example, an allegation of discrimination or sexual harassment could be reviewed separately by the Office of Affirmative Action.
  • There shall be no retaliation or abridgment of a student's rights resulting from the use of this policy.
  • As necessary, a student may submit a written request for a reasonable amount of time off work to attend hearings or meetings established as part of the grievance process during business hours. This request must be approved in writing by the immediate supervisor to be acted upon.
  • Regional Campus student employee complaints filed at a Regional Campus are covered by University Policy Register Rule 8-01-6 of the Administrative Code.

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Maximum 28 Work Hours Per Week Limit

Student employees may be employed by more than one 澳门六合彩资料 department; however, supervisors should supportive and advocate that a student's primary responsibility is to be academically successful.  Students are not permitted to work during the scheduled time of a class in which they are enrolled.

  • Students may not work more than 28 hours per week in all jobs combined. This limit is in accordance with the requirements of

    While Career Exploration and Development will monitor student work hours for compliance, supervisors are expected to communicate and enforce the 28-work hour limit with their student employees, including those working in more than one campus position. The consequences of exceeding the 28 hours per week limit for students, departments, and the university are as follows:

    Students: Violation of the 28-hour work week limit will result in a warning to both the student and supervisor. Continued violation of the policy will result in termination of the student's employment and eligibility for future student employment.

    Departments: Violation of this limit subjects the University to additional exposure under the (ACA), which may result in additional administrative costs to the department for those students as required by the ACA.

  • Federal Work-Study student employees should also monitor work hours relative to their earnings limit and contact the Financial, Billing and Enrollment Center with any questions.
  • International student employees must comply with work-hour limits set by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

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Motor Vehicle Operator Policy

University Policy Register Rule 5-12-501 states that university employees, including students, who are authorized to operate motor vehicles owned or leased by the university must have the validity of their operator licenses reviewed on an annual basis. Departments are required to submit motor vehicle operator license numbers to the Director of Public Safety using the Police Department's Employee Motor Vehicle Operator License Validation form.

In addition, University Policy Register Rule 7-02-8 states that university employees, including students, who use their own vehicles in performance of their position duties should be reimbursed at the standard mileage rate. Students can request reimbursement via the online Expense Reimbursement Workflow located in FlashLine. Contact the Public Safety Department at (330) 672-3070 for more information.

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Use of Social Security Numbers for Employment

  • Career Exploration and Development uses students' Social Security Numbers strictly for employment purposes. 澳门六合彩资料 is required by to report income along with Social Security Numbers for all employees to whom compensation is paid.
  • Employee Social Security Numbers are maintained and used consistent with university reporting requirements and procedures and are reported to federal and state agencies in formats required by law or for benefits purposes. The University is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of an individual's Social Security Number as mandated by law.

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Workplace Safety and Injury Reporting

Maintaining a safe and healthy workplace is the responsibility of all on-campus employers. The Public Safety Department at 澳门六合彩资料 assists university departments in achieving safe work environments and has prepared the .

The office of Compliance and Risk Management provides instructions regarding occupational incident, accident, or injury reporting. If an incident occurs:

1. The employee needs to seek appropriate medical attention for the injury or illness.

2.  The employee should promptly report the injury or illness to their immediate supervisor.

3.  The employee, and the employee's immediate supervisor, must complete the  form.

4.  The supervisor should send the report to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.

5.  A Health Safety Officer from the Public Safety Department will conduct a follow-up report within several days to update information regarding the incident.

The incident report is NOT an application for a Workers' Compensation claim. The incident report serves to meet standards mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Questions regarding Workers' Compensation should be directed to the Human Resources office at 330-672-2901.

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